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Comprehensive strength

The chairman unit of the Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, and the chairman unit of the Water Environment Branch.

First-class qualification for professional contracting of anti-corrosion and thermal insulation engineering for construction enterprises (issued by the Ministry of Construction).

is the chief editor of nearly 30 national standards, national military standards, and industry standards in corrosion control and water treatment technology.

Won more than 40 national, provincial and ministerial scientific and technological achievements, and the first prize-winning unit of the 2007 National Science and Technology Progress Award.

More than 50 years of anti-corrosion and anti-fouling technology research, design, production, testing, and engineering contracting history, and completed nearly 1,000 items of various corrosion protection and water treatment projects.

2008 National Quality Project Gold Award.

Strategic partner of China Classification Society.


Shuangrui Group


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